I am writing a 32row by 32col multiplication on Verilog. I have tried to synthesize the code but it gives an error saying the signal is connected to multiple drivers. The code below is uncomplete but gives the same error. I am new to Verilog and I don't get know how to fix this. Could you give suggestions on how to fix this. I am using Xillinx version 14.5 and the FPGA is virtex 5.
I am using inbuilt multipliers and inbuilt adders. Here is the code:
module matrixMult(Arow, Bcol,CLK, AxB);
input [1023:0] Arow;
input [1023:0] Bcol;
input CLK;
output [31:0] AxB;
wire [1023:0] Arow;
wire [1023:0] Bcol;
wire [1024:0] ab;
wire [1024:0] AxB;
// multiplication
ip32Mult a1b1(CLK, ab[1023:992], Arow[1023:992],Bcol[1023:992]);
ip32Mult a2b2(CLK, ab[991:960], Arow[991:960],Bcol[992:960]);
// addition // no clock enable
ip32Add ab1( AxB[31:0], ab[1023:992], ab[991:960]);
The Error:
ERROR:Xst:528 - Multi-source in Unit <matrixMult> on signal <ab<992>>; this signal is connected to multiple drivers.
Additional information: How the ip32Add looks like
module ip32Add (
clk, s, a, b
)/* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune=1 */;
input clk;
output [31 : 0] s;
input [31 : 0] a;
input [31 : 0] b;
How the ip32Mult looks like:
module ip32Mult (
clk, p, a, b
)/* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune=1 */;
input clk;
output [31 : 0] p;
input [31 : 0] a;
input [31 : 0] b;