Here I have multiple drivers for 1-bit port x
. I want to resolve it by using wand
net type. When I check out the schematics, only the least significant bit of input port is connected to port x
, while remaining bits as unread. I want all bits of a
to be used and assign to x
port using AND gate to resolve multiple drivers.
module test(input [3:0]a, output [1:0]b);
wire [3:0] d [1:0];
wand temp;
assign temp=a;
inst inst_name (.x(temp),.y(d[1][3]),.z(b[1:0]));
assign d[1] = {4'd15};
assign d[0] = {4'd0};
module inst (input wand x,y, output [1:0]z);
assign z={x,y};