Is it possible to instantiate a module conditionally in verliog ?
example :
if (en==1)
then module1 instantiation
module2 instantiation
From IEEE Std 1364-2001 : generate-conditional A generate-conditional is an if-else-if generate construct that permits modules, user defined primitives, Verilog gate primitives, continuous assignments, initial blocks and always blocks to be conditionally instantiated into another module based on an expression that is deterministic at the time the design is elaborated.
example given in LRM :
module multiplier(a,b,product);
parameter a_width = 8, b_width = 8;
localparam product_width = a_width+b_width; // can not be modified
// directly with the defparam statement
// or the module instance statement #
input [a_width-1:0] a;
input [b_width-1:0] b;
output [product_width-1:0] product;
if((a_width < 8) || (b_width < 8))
CLA_multiplier #(a_width,b_width) u1(a, b, product);
// instantiate a CLA multiplier
WALLACE_multiplier #(a_width,b_width) u1(a, b, product);
// instantiate a Wallace-tree multiplier
// The generated instance name is u1
You can not do this at runtime as you are describing hardware, which can not be changed on the fly. You may enable or disable a feature to save power but you can not make it stop existing. Assuming you are looking to improve the reuse or configure-ability of blocks:
Pre compiler techniques are often used as well as the ``defines` (tick defines) Tim mentions.
They would consist of a Perl, ruby etc script which parses a template file.