I am having a bit of trouble instantiating a module in verilog. I am using the Altera Quartus platform to develop and simulate the verilog code.
I have followed this example (among several others): http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/verilog_one_day4.html
I have written a module (maximum) which finds the maximum between two signed inputs.
Another module I am developing is a systolic array for genetic sequence alignment. The details are not important, however when I try to instantiate a maximum module I get an error.
This is my code so far:
module maximum (a, b, out);
input signed [15:0] a;
input signed [15:0] b;
output reg signed [15:0] out;
always @* begin
if (a>b)
assign out = a;
assign out = b;
and I instantiate in another module systolic_PE (all of this is in the same file seqalign.v)
maximum m0(.a(tempB), .b(diag), .out(tempA));
And I get the error :
'Verilog HDL syntax error at seqalign.v(139) near text "m0"; expecting "<=" or "="'
I checked everything I have done so far, and I cant seem to see anything I have missed out on.. could anyone be kind enough to guide me?
Also on a side note: Instantiation of a module in verilog
I was trying to instantiate my module in a if statement, so I tried outside of the if statement in a always @(posedge clk) block, and I get the error
HDL syntax error at seqalign.v(88) near text "("; expecting ";"
inside an always block : stackoverflow.com/q/23687172/1959732 – Greg