The following perl sub is used to store arrays of hashes. Each hash to be stored is first checked for uniqueness using a given key, if a hash exists on the array with the same key value then it's not stored.
How can this perl sub be optimised for speed?
Example use:
my @members;
$member= {};
hpush('name', \@members,$member);
The sub:
sub hpush {
# push a set of key value pairs onto an array as a hash, if the key doesn't already exist
if (@_ != 3) {
print STDERR "hpush requires 3 args, ".@_." given\n";
my $uniq = shift;
my $rarray = shift;
my $rhash = shift;
my $hash = ();
#print "\nHash:\n";
for my $key ( keys %{$rhash} ) {
my $valuea = $rhash->{$key};
#print "key: $key\n";
#print "key=>value: $key => $valuea\n";
$hash->{ $key} = $valuea;
#print "\nCurrent Array:\n";
for my $node (@{$rarray}) {
#print "node: $node \n";
for my $key ( keys %{$node} ) {
my $valueb = $node->{$key};
#print "key=>value: $key => $valueb\n";
if ($key eq $uniq) {
#print "key=>value: $key => $valueb\n";
if (($valueb =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) && ($hash->{$key} == $valueb)) {
#print "Not pushing i $key -> $valueb\n";
} elsif ($hash->{$key} eq $valueb) {
#print "Not pushing s $key -> $valueb\n";
push @{$rarray}, $hash;
#print "Pushed\n";
Note that the perl isn't mine and I'm a perl beginner