For getting quick profile stats on an IPython notebook.
One can embed line_profiler and memory_profiler straight into their notebooks.
Another useful package is Pympler. It is a powerful profiling package that's capable to track classes,objects,functions,memory leaks etc. Examples below, Docs attached.
Get it!
!pip install line_profiler
!pip install memory_profiler
!pip install pympler
Load it!
%load_ext line_profiler
%load_ext memory_profiler
Use it!
%time print('Outputs CPU time,Wall Clock time')
#CPU times: user 2 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 2 µs Wall time: 5.96 µs
- CPU times: CPU level execution time
- sys times: system level execution time
- total: CPU time + system time
- Wall time: Wall Clock Time
%timeit -r 7 -n 1000 print('Outputs execution time of the snippet')
#1000 loops, best of 7: 7.46 ns per loop
- Gives best time out of given number of runs(r) in looping (n) times.
- Outputs details on system caching:
- When code snippets are executed multiple times, system caches a few opearations and doesn't execute them again that may hamper the accuracy of the profile reports.
%prun -s cumulative 'Code to profile'
- number of function calls(ncalls)
- has entries per function call(distinct)
- time taken per call(percall)
- time elapsed till that function call(cumtime)
- name of the func/module called etc...

%memit 'Code to profile'
#peak memory: 199.45 MiB, increment: 0.00 MiB
#Example function
def fun():
for i in range(10):
#Usage: %lprun <name_of_the_function> function
%lprun -f fun fun()

sys.getsizeof('code to profile')
# 64 bytes
Returns the size of an object in bytes.
asizeof() from pympler
from pympler import asizeof
obj = [1,2,("hey","ha"),3]
pympler.asizeof can be used to investigate how much memory certain Python objects consume.
In contrast to sys.getsizeof, asizeof sizes objects recursively

tracker from pympler
from pympler import tracker
tr = tracker.SummaryTracker()
def fun():
li = [1,2,3]
di = {"ha":"haha","duh":"Umm"}
Tracks the lifetime of a function.

Pympler package consists of a huge number of high utility functions to profile code. All of which cannot be covered here. See the documentation attached for verbose profile implementations.
Pympler doc
(sampling profiler) deserves its own answer. – jfs