How can you make the experience with Eclipse faster?
For instance: I disable all the plugins I don't need (Mylyn, Subclipse, …).
Instead of using a plugin for Mercurial, I configure TortoiseHG as an external tool.
How can you make the experience with Eclipse faster?
For instance: I disable all the plugins I don't need (Mylyn, Subclipse, …).
Instead of using a plugin for Mercurial, I configure TortoiseHG as an external tool.
The three most influential factors for Eclipse speed are:
The "same" workspace in Indigo (3.7.2) SR2 loads in 4 seconds, in Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) in 7 seconds and in Luna (4.4.0) in 10 seconds. All are Java EE bundles. Newer versions have more bundled plugins, but still the trend is obvious. (by "same" workspace I mean: same (additionally installed) plugins used, same projects checked out from version control).
Launching it with the latest JDK (Java 14 at the time of writing, which does not prevent you to compile in your Eclipse project with any other JDK you want: 1.4.2, 1.5, 1.6 older...)
-vm jdk1.6.0_10\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
Configuring the eclipse.ini (see this question for a complete eclipse.ini)
The Xmx
argument is the amount of memory Eclipse will get (in simple terms). With -Xmx4g
, it gets 4 GB of RAM, etc.
Dec. 2020, Udo conforms in the comments
From version 4.8 (Photon) an up there was a steady speed gain after each version.
The main platform was optimized every release to load faster, enable more features for the dark theme and to add more features for newer Java versions for the Java development tools.
Especially with-in the last 3 versions the startup time was increased a lot. There should be a significant increase in start-up time with the newest version of Eclipse 2020-12.In my experience it started a lot faster with each new version.
But: There are still plug-ins which do not follow the new way of using the Eclipse API and are therefore still slow to start.
Since the change to Java 11 as the minimum runtime version starting from Eclipse version 2020-09 at least the core system uses the newer features of the JVM. It is up to the providers of the other plug-ins to upgrade to newer APIs and to use the full power of modern CPUs (e.g. concurrent programming model).
Add -Xverify:none
to your eclipse.ini file.
It will cut down your Eclipse startup time considerably (50% in my case if not more). This will tell the VM not to validate all the .class files it is loading.
Consider this: Never Disable Bytecode Verification in a Production System (as mentioned in the comments)
Thanks for the hints. These options (mentioned above) helped me a lot:
Increasing memory & regarding to my updated Java version in eclipse.ini:
Additionally, since we are optimizing for speed, setting -Xms
to the same value as -Xmx
makes the JVM start with the maximum amount of memory it is allowed to use.
Linux / Ubuntu:
update-alternatives --config java
Another performance boost can be gained by disabling label decorations
(Windows -> Preferences; General -> Appearance -> Label Decorations
and by disabling unused capabilities on startup
(Windows -> Preferences; General -> Startup and Shutdown
You may also get additional performance by choosing a different garbage collection strategy depending on your JVM.
If you're fed up with restart cycles you could use JavaRebel from ZeroTurnaround. That will shorten your time spent on server/client restarts.
While not directly related to Eclipse:
If you're running Windows 7 (and presumably Windows Vista), be sure to disable the file indexing of your workspace folder if your stuff is is in the default place - your home folder. Windows by default indexes everything in you home folder, and it's normally just a waste for your workspace. (Right click the workspace folder in explorer , Properties -> Advanced.)
Eclipse loads plug-ins lazily, and most common plug-ins, like Subclipse, don't do anything if you don't use them. They don't slow Eclipse down at all during run time, and it won't help you to disable them. In fact, Mylyn was shown to reduce Eclipse's memory footprint when used correctly.
I run Eclipse with tons of plug-ins without any performance penalty at all.
It's not only the memory that you need to increase with the -Xmx switch, it's also the perm gen size. I think that problem was solved in Eclipse 3.4.
There is another thing that really speeds up Eclipse on both Windows and especially Linux - putting the JVM in RAM disk.
For Windows you can use the commercial RAM disk driver from Qsoft.
For Linux use any of the methods described in numerous articles on the Internet. It is important to give additional space to the RAM disk that is 10% bigger than the size of the JVM.
Check it out. It really makes a difference.
Along with the latest software (latest Eclipse and Java) and more RAM, you may need to
I implemented a plug-in to configure which features to be loaded in runtime to improve the performance and reduce the conflict among different plug-ins.
You may have installed many features into your Eclipse, such as Android development tools, C/C++ development tools, PHP, SVN, Git and ClearCase plug-ins. Hence Eclipse is heavy and costs a lot of memory, and some of them are not often used.
So you could use my tool to create different runtime policies, such as one that has Android, Git and base Eclipse, another one contains C/C++, SVN and base Eclipse. Next time Eclipse would only load the specified features if you're using the policy that only has Android and Git.
You are welcome to try it and give me the feedback. :)
The name of that tool is Equinox Advanced Configurator.
I also tuned vmargs and stuff. But what really sped up Eclipse on Windows is the "proper" configuration of the anti-virus software. You have to disable the on-demand scanning of packed files. jar files, and many files related to java are packed with PKZIP algorithm to spare space. Because Eclipse uses tons of java files, an anti-virus attempts to individually unpack and scan every one of them. So for Windows platform: turn off the on-demand scanning of packed files, otherwise Eclipse will be unusably slow. Please keep in mind, that disabling this unfortunately makes your system weaker against attacks, most of the malware use packers.
Best practices in this thread are implemented in the free Optimizer For Eclipse, from ZeroTurnaround.
What does it help with?
For more details, check out this article from RebelLabs.
Make an effort to configure your build path. Code completion uses a lot of memory if it has to go through your whole project folder.
I experienced a considerable improvement in performance when limiting the number of open tabs (in the past I frequently had 30+ tabs open). You can let Eclipse handle this for you automatically:
Window -> Preferences -> Editors -> close editors automatically
8 open tabs is the amount before the >> sign appears, so I tend to leave it at 8.
When opening more tabs, the ones the least recently accessed will be closed.
->When all editors are dirty or pinned
If it has unsaved modifications you can prompt to save & reuse (tab will be closed, a new one will be opened in its place). Or you can open a new editor end thus increase the amount of open tabs (the unobtrusive choice).
If you want to ensure some tabs never get closed autmatically, you can pin them. This by clicking on the pin icon (the rightmost icon in the toolbar, with "pin editor" as tooltiptext).
Not to be underrated is having a fast machine. 16-32 GB of RAM, SSD and a decent processor... and who0o0om there you go.
**Tips for making Eclipse IDE Faster**
Eclipse will run faster when working with small projects. But when you have to work with large project, you will get irritated with its speed. Even with a huge RAM you will not be happy with its speed.Below steps will help eclipse to increase its speed
Remove unwanted activation of some of the plugins at start-up by going to windows–>preference–>General–>Startup and shutdown also make sure you don’t use those plugins in any of your views
Disabling label decorations which is of less use for you, will also help you to gain some performance . Go to Windows–>Preference–>General–>Appearance–>Label -> Decorations
Close unwanted projects and use working set option to move from one group of project to another smoothly.
Configure eclipse.ini which will be available in the eclipse installed location.
Configuring eclipse.ini should be based on your RAM
Also have a look at for more options to configure eclipse.ini.
Do not keep lot of tabs opened in the editor. Better to have around 20 tabs . Regularly close the unused tabs. To open resource we can always use ctrl+shift+R and ctrl+shift+T (java resource) instead of opening lot of tabs I experienced a considerable improvement in performance when limiting the number of open tabs (In the past I frequently had 30+ tabs open). You can let eclipse handle this for you automatically: Window->Preferences->Editors-> close editors automatically 8 open tabs is the amount before the >> sign appears, so I set 14 as my default value. When opening more tabs, the ones the least recently accessed will be closed. When all editors are dirty or pinned. If it has unsaved modifications you can prompt to save & reuse (tab will be closed, a new one will be opened in its place). Or you can open a new editor end thus increase the amount of open tabs (the unobtrusive choice). If you want to ensure some tabs never get closed autmatically, you can pin them. This by clicking on the pin icon (the rightmost icon in the toolbar, with “pin editor” as tooltiptext).
Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Validation and uncheck any validators you don’t want or need.
Go to Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> and uncheck any animation you don’t want or need.
Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven and check 'do not automatically update dependencies'.
Well, if you are developing a GWT application using Eclipse, then this is the way:
Out of memory error in Eclipse
Also remember to add the same VM arguments to the hosted mode configuration.
If you use Maven and ivy do check out their consoles in case they are hogging processing during builds. I use ivy and on top of that I have certain JAR files (internal) changing with same version, so it has to workout all the time to fetch them.
If you have defined you project on a network drive then you will also experience lag during build/read/write type of processes.
Disable/uninstall plugins you don't need.
Close perpective that you don't need
Close unused database connections
In special cases, bad performance can be due to corrupt h2 or nwire databases. Read Five tips for speeding up Eclipse PDT and nWire for more information.
Where I work, we are dependent on a VM to run Debian. I have installed another Eclipse version on the VM for testing purpouses, but this sometimes creates conflicts if I have the other Eclipse version running. There is a shared folder which both of the Eclipse versions shares. I accidentally left the Debian Eclipse installation running in the background once and that gave me corrupt database files.
The only real way to hasten Eclipse with the standard plug-ins is to give it more memory and in some cases access to a faster storage space / defragmented hard drive.
Beyond that there is not much you can do performance-wise: most standard plug-ins do not have a continuous runtime cost, even Mylyn is relatively fast.
Upgrading to the latest JVM supported on your machine may help as well.
Some people downgrade to older Eclipse versions to get better performance. It may also make sense to use Eclipse classic instead of the official releases.
Try these. There are two ways.
First Procedure
Refer this article.
Second Procedure.
Execute the command in the terminal.
to get better performance and fast response for Ubuntu.
Ramdisk is part of system memory. Ubuntu by default uses a half of physical memory (RAM) as ramdisk, and it is mounted onto
, it can be used just like normal disk space (create files and folders and manipulate them with better performance rather if they were stored on the hard disk). If ramdisk uses more than a half of RAM, data will be moved into the swap space. If ramdisk uses less, the remaining can still do what RAM’s doing.
Set upper limit of ramdisk
As is said above, ramdisk by default can use a half of RAM. If you want to change the upper limit, follow the steps below:
Edit /etc/fstab by your favourate editor:
gksudo gedit /etc/fstab
Find this line and change to make it looks like this(add this line if not exist, and change 512M to what you like.):
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,size=512M 0 0
Reboot or re-mount
Mount /tmp onto ramdisk
To make it easy to use, you can mount a directory into
by following commands:
mkdir /dev/shm/tmp
chmod 1777 /dev/shm/tmp
mount --bind /dev/shm/tmp /tmp