New Perl User.
I'm trying to create a hash table from some tab delimited data stored in a variable $blast_results
with the first column as the key. And then I want to compare the the values in an array @filenames
with the key in the hash table. If the array value is found in the hash key, I want to print out a re-ordered structure of the $blast_results
, if the array value is not in the hash, I want to print out the value followed by 'No Result Found'.
This is what I have thus far, I think the hash table is not correct:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data:Dumper;
#create variable to mimic blast results
my $blast_results = "file1.ab1 9 350 0.0 449 418 418 403479 403042 567
file3.ab1 2 833 0.0 895 877 877 3717226 3718105 984";
#create array to mimic filename array
my @filenames = ("file1.ab1", "file2.ab1", "file3.ab1");
#header for file
my $header = "Query\tSeq_length\tTarget found\tScore (Bits)\tExpect(E-value)\tAlign-length\tIdentities\tPositives\tChr\tStart\tEnd\n";
#initialize hash
my %hash;
#split blast results into array
my @row = split(/\s+/, $blast_results);
print $header;
foreach my $file (@filenames){
## If this filename has an associated entry in the hash, print it in a re-ordered format
print "$row[0]\t$row[9]\t$row[1]:$row[7]-$row[8]\t$row[2]\t$row[3]\t$row[4]\t$row[5]\t$row[6]\t$row[1]\t$row[7]\t$row[8]\n";
## If not, print this.
print "$file\t0\tNo Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed\n";
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print "$blast_results\n"; #test what results look like
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print "$row[0]\t$row[1]\n"; #test if array is getting split correctly
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print "$filenames[2]\n"; #test if other array present
print "-----------------------------------\n";
print Dumper(\%hash); #print out hash table
The result from this script is (the @filenames
array is not matching the hash and the hash does not contain all of the data):
Query Seq_length Target found Score (Bits) Expect(E-value) Align-length Identities Positives Chr Start End
file1.ab1 0 No Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed
file2.ab1 0 No Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed
file3.ab1 0 No Blast Results: Sequencing Rxn Failed
file1.ab1 9 350 0.0 449 418 418 403479 403042 567
file3.ab1 2 833 0.0 895 877 877 3717226 3718105 984
file1.ab1 9
$VAR1 = {
'file1.ab1' => undef