
I tried the below API to update the envelope. But other than the subject or body, none of the info is updated.

PUT -- /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}

I have even passed advanced_update as true still there is no change.

Any help would be appreciated

template? or envelope? Also, what is the JSON you are passing? And the envelope is in what state?Inbar Gazit
@InbarGazit its envepe i want to modify. I am passing the same json which I used for creating the envelope, but with little modification of data. but it's not updated.Salman

1 Answers


This is most likely because the envelope was already sent. You can only make updates to an envelope in "draft" or "created" status. Once sent - the envelope can only be updated using the "correct" flow.