
How many DocuSign envelope statuses can I get at a time by calling the API

PUT /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/status?envelope_ids=[list_of_ids]

I have a bulk number of envelope Ids and it is increasing day by day. What I am going to do is, I am going to pull all the envelope statuses (except the voided and completed envelopes) in a scheduler manner.

I have not found anything or I have missed in the documentation. Is there a limitation in docusign with the number or request size ?


1 Answers


There are two limits: the max length of a URL including its query parameters, and the max envelope ids for the call.

Avoiding the URL length limit: As documented, you can set the query parameter to a special value: envelope_ids=request_body. In this case, the method uses the envelope IDs in the request body.

From the documentation:

envelope_ids query parameter -- The envelope IDs to include in the results.

The value of this property can be:

A comma-separated list of envelope IDs. [or] The special value request_body. In this case, the method uses the envelope IDs in the request body.

I don't know what the second limit is.

As an alternative, consider setting up a webhook. You can receive the webhook notifications of completed envelopes from behind the firewall (without changing the firewall) by using an intermediate queuing system.

Example code for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud is available for C#, Java, PHP, Python, and Node.js. See the Connect-* repositories in github.com/docusign