
I have set up an integrator key and am happily sending envelopes via REST API ; all seems to be working.

But when I try to fetch the status of an envelope some time later I get:

{"errorCode":"PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED","message":"The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled. An Integrator key was not specified."}

I'm hoping this is because the integrator key is still in demo status but am just a bit nervous I've misunderstood the various account IDs.

The account ID returned from https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth/userinfo using the oAuth token turns out to be my API account ID and its that I'm passing in the url, i.e.:


In the real world this application (a win32 .exe) will be logging in (via oAuth) to the various docusign accounts belonging to my customers, so I would have expected '../userinfo' to be returning the customer's "User ID" instead? Or am i supposed to get that direct from the customer themselves?

The integrator key is set to "Authorization Code Grant".

how do you obtain a token?Inbar Gazit
this message says you didn't specify a key at allInbar Gazit
the message is from the /envelopes/status call and i don;t see a requirement to include the integration key except in that it is used to get the oAuth token.The oAUth token was fetched using "account-d.docusign.com/oauth/token"nigelgomm
it's used to get a token. How did you obtain the token?Inbar Gazit
this was the auth endpoint: "account-d.docusign.com/oauth/auth" and specifying my client id and client secret.nigelgomm

1 Answers


problem was indeed that the token was missing from the subsequent call to get the envelope status. and that was because of chilkat's httpreq object requiring the token header added rather than the http object. My confusion over account IDs was ill founded. It is the API Account ID as returned by /userinfo that is required in subsequent calls.