
How do we compose a get url to get an envelope or envelopes that contain a given custom field. I tried to compose a get url as one shown below but not getting the desired results (i tried to follow the documentation here -> https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/reference/Envelopes/Envelopes/listStatusChanges but I think i am not passing the custom field to the query string correctly



2 Answers


You're using the right API call. Try it without the square brackets and encode the value.


... &custom_field=SignerEmail%3Djohn.doe%40email.com

The above is untested. If it doesn't work, we'll dig into it further

Important: are you trying to find envelopes that have a custm_envelop_field (metadata) that you created and you named "SignerEmail"?? If so, the the above is the way to go.

If you're looking for envelopes where a signing recipient's email is john@doe.com, try the general search as Inbar suggests. If it doesn't work, you may need another tactic.


Suggest you read here: https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/guides/concepts/envelopes/search the parameter is called search_text and would search everything including custom fields. There's no need to separately specify custom fields. Something like this:
