
I'm trying to create an envelope in docusign with the checkbox will be mandatory. I tried to apply it by using a Tab Groups tab. Below is my request. I'm able to create a document but the checkboxes are still optional. I'm not sure what's wrong in may request: Please check. Thank you.

    "emailSubject":"Some Email Subject",
                "name":"Some People",
                            "anchorString":"PLEASE SIGN HERE",
                            "tabGroupLabels":["Checkbox Group"]
                            "tabGroupLabels":["Checkbox Group"]
                            "tabLabel":"Check Boxes",
                            "groupLabel":"Checkbox Group",
                            "maximumAllowed" :"1",
                            "validationMessage":"Please check a box",


I tried this in my request and still, the checkbox remained optional.

            "anchorString":"PLEASE SIGN HERE",
                "Checkbox Group"
            "groupLabel":"Checkbox Group",
            "validationMessage":"Please check a box",

I'm using version 2.1, /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}

Thank you in advance.

WELCOME to StackOverflow! Please check (accept) the best answer to each of your questions! THANK YOU!Larry K
Please first try using the exact same request that I suggest. You left out the pageNumber and documentId attributes from the tabGroups array....Larry K

1 Answers


The required attribute for a checkbox does not apply. Instead create a tabGroup for the checkbox or checkboxes. That way you can require that the checkbox be checked, or require that one of the multiple checkboxes be checked, etc.

Example: one required checkbox

    "emailSubject": "Please sign the attached document",
    "status": "sent",
    "documents": [
        "name": "Example document",
        "fileExtension": "pdf",
        "documentId": "1"
    "recipients": {
      "signers": [
          "email": "signer_email@example.com",
          "name": "Signer's name",
          "recipientId": "1",
          "clientUserId": "1000",
          "tabs": {
            "signHereTabs": [
                "anchorString": "/sig1/",
                "anchorXOffset": "20",
                "anchorUnits": "pixels"
            "checkboxTabs": [
                "anchorString": "/sig1/",
                "anchorXOffset": "180",
                "anchorUnits": "pixels",
                "tabGroupLabels": [
                  "checkbox group"
            "tabGroups": [
                "groupLabel": "checkbox group",
                "groupRule": "SelectAtLeast",
                "minimumRequired": "1",
                "maximumAllowed": "1",
                "validationMessage": "Please check to indicate your agreement",
                "tabScope": "document",
                "pageNumber": "1",
                "documentId": "1"