I am trying to join two tables (visits and observations) and extract two columns (a year+month combination and the count total). I am working in php+Laravel 7.3 and I am trying to use their query builder. Somehow I keep getting the error: 'subquery has too many columns'.
In postgres the query would like this: select to_char(visits.startdate, 'YYYY-MM') as yearmonth, SUM(observations.number) as total from observations join visits on visits.id=observations.id where visit_id in (1,2,3,4,5) and species_id = 13 group by (yearmonth)
I have tried this:
$allVisObs = DB::table('visits')
->join('observations', 'visits.id', '=', 'observations.visit_id')
->select(DB::raw("to_char(visits.startdate, 'YYYY-MM') as yearmonth") , DB::raw("SUM(observations.number)"))
->whereIn('visits.id', $allVisits)
->where('observations.species_id', $spid)
And also this:
$visObs = DB::table('visits')
->join('observations', 'visits.id', '=', 'observations.visit_id')
->select(DB::raw("to_char(visits.startdate, 'YYYY-MM') as yearmonth") , DB::raw("SUM(observations.number)"))
->whereIn('visits.id', $allVisits)
->where(function ($query) use ($spid) {
$query->where('observations.species_id', '=', $spid);
But both give me the error: 'subquery has too many columns'. I checked that $allVisits is a valid list of ids, and $spid is also a correct id. The query runs fine without the line: "->where('observations.species_id, $spid)". I therefore suspect Laravel somehow makes a subquery from the wherein, and tries to add the other where and fails. (I tried switching the wheres around, but that didn't work). I can ofcourse use BD::raw for the entire query, but I would like to stick with the query builder as much as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.