I was looking for a solution to quite a related problem: finding the newest records per group which is a specialization of a typical greatest-n-per-group with N = 1.
The solution involves the problem you are dealing with here (i.e., how to build the query in Eloquent) so I am posting it as it might be helpful for others. It demonstrates a cleaner way of sub-query construction using powerful Eloquent fluent interface with multiple join columns and where
condition inside joined sub-select.
In my example I want to fetch the newest DNS scan results (table scan_dns
) per group identified by watch_id
. I build the sub-query separately.
The SQL I want Eloquent to generate:
SELECT * FROM `scan_dns` AS `s`
SELECT x.watch_id, MAX(x.last_scan_at) as last_scan
FROM `scan_dns` AS `x`
WHERE `x`.`watch_id` IN (1,2,3,4,5,42)
GROUP BY `x`.`watch_id`) AS ss
ON `s`.`watch_id` = `ss`.`watch_id` AND `s`.`last_scan_at` = `ss`.`last_scan`
I did it in the following way:
// table name of the model
$dnsTable = (new DnsResult())->getTable();
// groups to select in sub-query
$ids = collect([1,2,3,4,5,42]);
// sub-select to be joined on
$subq = DnsResult::query()
->selectRaw('MAX(x.last_scan_at) as last_scan')
->from($dnsTable . ' AS x')
->whereIn('x.watch_id', $ids)
$qqSql = $subq->toSql(); // compiles to SQL
// the main query
$q = DnsResult::query()
->from($dnsTable . ' AS s')
DB::raw('(' . $qqSql. ') AS ss'),
function(JoinClause $join) use ($subq) {
$join->on('s.watch_id', '=', 'ss.watch_id')
->on('s.last_scan_at', '=', 'ss.last_scan')
// bindings for sub-query WHERE added
$results = $q->get();
Since Laravel 5.6.17 the sub-query joins were added so there is a native way to build the query.
$latestPosts = DB::table('posts')
->select('user_id', DB::raw('MAX(created_at) as last_post_created_at'))
->where('is_published', true)
$users = DB::table('users')
->joinSub($latestPosts, 'latest_posts', function ($join) {
$join->on('users.id', '=', 'latest_posts.user_id');