I have 2 dimensions, “departure” & “arrival”. Both these dimensions are in DATETIME format. I want to display the number of records having departure & arrival for each hour (0 to 23hrs), as side-by-side bar chart.
I have tried different ways to create the visualization, but I can't figure out where I am going wrong. I have attached my Tableau file.
Sheet: Wrong_count_for_arrival --> If i choose, "Departure" in my Column field, The "departure" count is correct, however, "Arrival" count is wrong. And, if i choose, "Arrival" in my Column field, The "Arrival" count is correct, however, "Departure" count is wrong.
Sheet: double_values --> To correct above, if i put the "Departure" & "Arrival" in Columns field, then I am getting double values for both "departure" & "arrival" count.
I am trying to get visualization similar to "Wrong_count_for_arrival", but with correct count.
Attached is the Tableau workbook. Tableau workbook-sample data