I have to show two graphs stacked chart with "open" and "new" (value) categories and combine it with normal bar chart for category "closed". First I tried to do it from one data set, then I have decided to create a separate data set for "closed" (Closed value) category.
But I get in the best case I get separate the staked chart for value (it has to be stacked diagram where values for "open" and "new" are colored) and separate bar chart for "closed" and I don't know how to put them on the one chart.
I need those two charts to be together like:
I created the separate data for "closed" category: Data Closed and data with all formation ("open", "new", closed"). Usually I filter "closed" data out when I take this data together with "closed" data. Data:enter link description here
How to create stacked chart together with column chart in Tableau?
Still I could not manage to bring closed data as separate column. There is a problem with type variable, Type (Sheet 2) consists only out of "closed" category but Type in Sheet 1 out of all three. Thank you @Jose Cherian What I am doing wrong?