
I'm trying to visualize the SO Developer Survey in Tableau. I have a side-by-side stacked bar chart. On the x-axis I have job satisfaction, separated by gender. (So, columns: job satisfaction, gender, both are dimensions). On the y-axis I have "most important aspect of a job opportunity" (So, rows: measure values, with each value being a COUNT).

I would like each bar to total to 100% so for each value in measured values I have set the quick table calculation to "Percent of Total" and am computing using cell, but when I do so, every value appears to be equal/100% within the bars.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Each value should be some percentage, all totaling up to 100%.

I was trying to follow this tutorial: http://kb.tableau.com/articles/howto/stacked-100-percent-bar-chart

Do you have a sample workbook you could share?Bernardo
A screenshot of your Tableau screen would help alternatively. Including your measures/dimensions and the Rows/Columns shelfAlexander
you are using "side-by-side stacked bar chart". stacked bar chart automatically adds up to 100%. but how are you creating sidebyside bar chart a sample workbook at tableau public gallery will help you make it clear.RanchiRhino

1 Answers


Percent of total computed by cell will always give you 100%. Tableau is telling you that each cell represents 100% of the value for that cell. You will need to change your compute using to get the correct answer.

Here is an example using the "superstore" data set that ships with Tableau. To calculate the percentage breakdown for each region I use the Percent of total table calculation and calculate it by "Pane" which means that the percentage is showing me a value per region (so, "technology" represents 33.999% of sales in the "central" region):

enter image description here