This is a good candidate for a few LOD Calculated Fields.
I will give an example based on the SuperStore dataset where [Profit] is a percentage of [Sales]. This can be extrapolated to your use case.
Because you have two dimensions on the view, both will be needed to be accounted for in the LOD calculations below:
//LOD Sales
{Fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Sales])} / {Fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Sales])}
We will always want [LOD Sales] to equal 1 for bar-chart display purposes.
//LOD Profit
{fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Profit])} / {Fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Sales])}
This will create the percentage of [Profit] to [Sales].
From there, you'll want to turn off Stack Marks so the bars overlap eachother:
Analysis Menu > Stack Marks > Off
And probably change the axis display to a percentage:
Right click [Measure Values] > Default Properties > Number Format > Percentage
For simplicity, your existing filters should be placed 'On Context' as to not interfere with the LODs. (Please read above linked article for reasoning and alternatives.)
Right click on Filtered Field > Add to Context
The end result should look like this: