I have created a dual axis chart where I'm graphing the arrival time and the departure time in the same graph, and showing the sum of the number of records as the rows.
By default Tableau adds the "Measure Names" into each of my columns Marks and I get an automated Legend showing the "Number of Records" in one colour.
However, this is not useful at all...
I want each time variable (eg. arrival time) to show up in a different colour. The only way I have been able to do this is by removing the "Measure Names" pill from the Marks card and then setting each axis to have its own colour. But as soon as I do this, the Legend disappears and now I finally get a nice graph with a line in each colour, but no legend to show what line is assigned to what colour.
Also the Legend option gets disabled when I use this layout.
How can I add the Legend to this?
Please note that the solution in this post doesn't help to answer this question.