Other than the fact that my brief research tells me the latter will return a collection rather than a a single element with the ID passed.
Consider the following code:
function validateAllFields()
var clientid = document.getElementById("clientid");
var programs = document.getElementById("programs");
var startmonth = document.getElementById("startmonth");
var startday = document.getElementById("startday");
var startyear = document.getElementById("startyear");
var completed = document.getElementsByName("completed");
var goals = document.getElementsByName("goals");
var errors = document.getElementById("errorMsg");
errors.innerHTML = "";
if(isNumeric(clientid, errors, "Please enter a valid client ID")){
if(madeSelection(programs, errors, "Please select a program from the drop-down list")){
if(madeSelection(startmonth, errors, "Please enter a month for the start date")){
if(madeSelection(startday, errors, "Please enter a day for the start date")){
if(madeSelection(startyear, errors, "Please enter a year for the start date")){
if(checked(completed, errors, "Please choose an option that indicate whether the client has completed the program")){
if(checked(goals, errors, "Please choose an option that indicate whether the client has met his/her goals.")){
window.alert("GOT IN TO RETURN TRUE");
return true;
return false;
The above code works perfectly after placing it in the onsubmit handler of the form. However, earlier, for the elements (programs, startmonth, startday, startyear) I was using getElementsByName(), the following happened:
- The code seems to get to the second line of the if blocks "if(madeSelection(programs...." and it displayed the error msg via innerHTML for a brief second and
- Proceeded to submit the form AS IF the JS had indeed returned true. As you can tell, there is a popup alert right before returning true and the popup DID NOT show up at all.
- Bad data was submitted to my test database because the form had not been validated. (yet to write server-side validation with this form, but I will).
please assume the elements programs, startmonth, startday, and startyear are drop-down lists with the same id and name attributes.
Also, the madeSelection function is given as:
function madeSelection(element, error, msg) {
if (element[0].value == "none" || element[0].valueOf == "none" || element[0].value == "") {
error.innerHTML = msg;
return false;
} else {
return true;
My code does work right now after I changed those elements to be using getElementById(), I was just wondering why getElementsByName presented such behavior.