I have an FPGA which I have 40-60 MHz clock domain I am working with. My output will be a slow multiple of that clock domain.
So if I have 40 MHz oscillator, the output interface would be 5 MHz.
I was planning on using a clock divide by 2 and sending the signal to the input, but I don't like this design because I read about how I would need to send the signals through a clock buffer which I may not have enough resources and others have stated it could create hold violations. (https://www.thecodingforums.com/threads/pulse-stretching.377607/)
My second idea is to use a counter that counts the amount of time required to hold the Q output of a DFF and apply back pressure to source logic.
I currently do not have code. I am still thinking of it conceptually.
The initial plan was use several clock divide by 2 block in series to get the output desired.
For signals that seem like a 5 MHz clock domain but were generated with a 40 MHz clocked system, what is the terminology for this type of clock domain crossing?
Are there any other options?
Thank You