1. Example data set
For the ease of possible further answers and solutions I note my graph creating statement:
(personA:Person {name:'Person A'})-[:FRIEND]->(personB:Person {name: 'Person B'}),
(personB)-[:FRIEND]->(personC:Person {name: 'Person C'}),
(personC)-[:FRIEND]->(personD:Person {name: 'Person D'}),
(personC)-[:FRIEND]->(personE:Person {name: 'Person E'}),
(personE)-[:FRIEND]->(personF:Person {name: 'Person F'}),
(personA)-[:KNOWS]->(personG:Person {name: 'Person G'}),
(personA)-[:KNOWS]->(personH:Person {name: 'Person H'}),
(personH)-[:KNOWS]->(personI:Person {name: 'Person I'}),
(personI)-[:FRIEND]->(personJ:Person {name: 'Person J'});

2. Scenario "Optional Match"
2.1 Solution
MATCH (startNode:Person {name:'Person A'})
OPTIONAL MATCH friendPath = (startNode)-[:FRIEND*]->(:Person)
OPTIONAL MATCH knowsPath = (startNode)-[:KNOWS*]->(:Person)
RETURN friendPath, knowsPath;
If you do not need every path to all nodes of the entire path, but only the whole, I recommend using shortestPath() for performance reasons.
2.1 Result
Note the missing node 'Person J', because it owns a FRIENDS
relationship to node 'Person I'.

3. Scenario "Expand paths"
3.1 Solution
Alternatively you could use the Expand paths functions of the APOC user library. Depending on the next steps of your process you can choose between the identification of nodes, relationships or both.
MATCH (startNode:Person {name:'Person A'})
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(startNode,
{maxLevel: -1, relationshipFilter: 'FRIEND>', labelFilter: '+Person'}) YIELD node AS friendNodes
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(startNode,
{maxLevel: -1, relationshipFilter: 'KNOWS>', labelFilter: '+Person'}) YIELD node AS knowsNodes
collect(DISTINCT friendNodes.name) AS friendNodes,
collect(DISTINCT knowsNodes.name) AS knowsNodes
RETURN friendNodes, knowsNodes;
3.2 Explanation
- line 1: defining your start node based on the name
- line 2-3: Expand from the given
following the given relationships (relationshipFilter: 'FRIEND>'
) adhering to the label filter (labelFilter: '+Person'
- line 4-5: Expand from the given
following the given relationships (relationshipFilter: 'KNOWS>'
) adhering to the label filter (labelFilter: '+Person'
- line 7: aggregates all nodes by following the
relationship type (omit the .name
part if you need the complete node)
- line 8: aggregates all nodes by following the
relationship type (omit the .name
part if you need the complete node)
- line 9: render the resulting groups of nodes
3.3 Result
│"friendNodes" │"knowsNodes" │
│["Person A","Person B","Person C","Person E",│["Person A","Person H","Person G","Person I"]│
│"Person D","Person F"] │ │