I have a graph dataset loaded in Neo4j with nodes being various persons and relationships being some "real" relationships between them. What makes it complicated is that each relationship has a time period during which it was valid. For example:
(p1:PERSON {name: "Andy"})
-[r1:HAS_RELATIONSHIP {from: "20190201", to: "20190215"}]->
(p2:PERSON {name: "Betty"})
-[r2:HAS_RELATIONSHIP {from: "20190301", to: "20190331"}]->
(p3:PERSON {name: "Cecil"})
I'd like to take one concrete person P and get a list of all persons with whom P was in an indirect relationship through other persons. It must hold that the intersection of dates in any relationship chain is nonempty.
So from the previous example, if we take Andy as P, the result should be Andy, Betty
, because the relationship with Cecil was valid in a completely different period of time. But in the following case:
(p1:PERSON {name: "Andy"})
-[r1:HAS_RELATIONSHIP {from: "20190201", to: "20190215"}]->
(p2:PERSON {name: "Betty"})
-[r2:HAS_RELATIONSHIP {from: "20190210", to: "20190301"}]->
(p3:PERSON {name: "Cecil"})
the result should be Andy, Betty, Cecil
Is there a way how to specify this condition in Cypher? I'm looking for an efficient solution which prunes the already found paths.