Welcome to StackOverflow! Yes, you can do this by specifying the label the last node in the path must have - let's walk through it.
First, let's create that sample graph - I've invented some plausible relationship names:
MERGE (cus1: Customer { id: 1 })
MERGE (acc1: Account { id: 1 })
MERGE (acc2: Account { id: 2 })
MERGE (con1: Contract { id: 1 })
MERGE (con2: Contract { id: 2 })
MERGE (bui1: Building { id: 1 })
MERGE (bui2: Building { id: 2 })
MERGE (sp1: ServicePoint { id: 1 })
MERGE (sp2: ServicePoint { id: 2 })
MERGE (b1: Bill { id: 1 })
MERGE (b2: Bill { id: 2 })
MERGE (b3: Bill { id: 3 })
MERGE (b4: Bill { id: 4 })
MERGE (cus1)-[:HOLDS]->(acc1)
MERGE (cus1)-[:HOLDS]->(acc2)
MERGE (acc1)-[:CONTAINS]->(con1)
MERGE (acc2)-[:CONTAINS]->(con2)
MERGE (bui1)-[:COVERED_BY]->(con1)
MERGE (bui2)-[:COVERED_BY]->(con2)
MERGE (sp1)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(con1)
MERGE (sp2)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(con2)
MERGE (b1)-[:RELATES_TO]->(sp1)
MERGE (b2)-[:RELATES_TO]->(sp1)
MERGE (b3)-[:RELATES_TO]->(sp2)
MERGE (b4)-[:RELATES_TO]->(sp2)
Now let's say we're starting at a Bill - Bill 2:
MATCH path=(b: Bill { id: 2 })-[*]-(c: Customer)
We've asked for all paths of any length that start at Bill 2 and end with any Customer node. Neo won't return the branch containing Account 1 because it isn't part of any path between Bill 2 and Customer 1. However, we have also not returned Bill 1 for the same reason, even though it's connected to the account we end up at.
If you want the whole subgraph for the matching account, you can do it in two hops - work your way back up to the customer and the account, then work back down to all nodes connected to the account:
MATCH (b: Bill { id: 2 })-[*]-(a: Account)-[]-(c: Customer)
MATCH path=(c)-[]->(a)-[*]-()