I have multiple incoming & outgoing relationships for a node (Neo4J).
Each relationship has a numeric property "weight"
I need to get the difference between the incoming & outgoing weights for the node.
I tried this query, but return 0 for both sums, even though sum of incoming weights is 20.
MATCH out=(n:Person)-[r:FRIEND]->(), in=(n:Person)<-[s:FRIEND]-()
WHERE n.personid='12345'
RETURN sum(r.fweight), sum(s.fweight);
Also, I tried this... and it crashes/doesnt return
MATCH (n:Person)-[r:FRIEND]->()
MATCH (n:Person)<-[s:FRIEND]-()
WHERE n.personid='12345'
RETURN sum(r.fweight) , sum(s.fweight)
Any clue??? :D