
I have a test document using memoir and I'd like to figure out how to change the font and color of sections and lower levels.

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


I understand that memoir includes the functionality of titlesec, and this seems to be described in section 6 of the manual, but I just can't figure out the incantation to make it work. If I wanted \section to be in the sans font in blue, and the lower levels to be in green, what are the commands to make this happen?


1 Answers


Use \setXheadstyle{<style>} to set the <style> of X where

  • sec denotes \section,

  • subsec denotes \subsection

  • subsubsec denotes \subsubsection,

  • para denotes \paragraph, and

  • subpara denotes \subparagraph.

enter image description here



\setsecheadstyle{\sffamily\color{blue}}% Set \section style
\setsubsecheadstyle{\sffamily\color{green}}% Set \subsection style


