
Memoir class doesn't play nice with the titlesec package. Memoir has all the functionality of titlesec, but it doesn't seem to have a nice "simple mode" analogue. So in titlesec (with the article document class) I could just use \usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec} and that was that. If I wanted to do the same thing with memoir, it looks like I have to go through redefining all the section heading formatting and spacing itself?

Am I missing a quick way to replicate [small,compact] in memoir?

The point is not that I don't know how to get memoir to do this stuff. The point is that memoir is missing the "quick options" mode that titlesec had. If all I want to do is make all the section headings a little smaller the [small,compact] options when calling the package was fine. To do this in memoir takes a lot more work, going through all the options manually. Is this true or am I missing a memoir version of the quick options?


2 Answers


\usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec} will now work in memoir. I'm sure it didn't always work, but it does now. So the answer to my question is yes, there is a quick way to do it: use the titlesec package.


Please read the memoir documentation. You can do this by opening a command prompt and entering texdoc memman

Specifically, see Chapter 8, which says:

8.1 Introduction In this chapter I first discuss the various kinds of divisions within a book and the commands for typesetting these. After that I describe the class methods for modifying the appearance of the chapter and other sectional headings. The facilities described here provide roughly the same as you would get if you used the titlesec [Bez99] and sectsty [McD98] packages together; the commands are different, though.

The memoir documentation is very good. You will most likely find everything you need in that document. It hasn't failed me yet.