
I just started using the article chapterstyle in Memoir. I'm composing in LyX, with each section of the article in a child document. When compiling from the main document, I want each section to be numbered as follows:

1. Introduction
2. Related Literature
2.1 Literature from Long Ago
2.2 Literature from Yesterday
... Etc.
n-1. Conclusion
n. References

To accomplish this the top-level section headings use \chapter. Numbering, formatting, etc. is perfect. Except: each \chapter is triggering a page eject, and I can't figure out how to fix this.

What's the easiest way to make each \chapter (section of the article) begin below the preceding one when there's space on the page?


1 Answers


memoir has a macro called \clearforchapter that normally ensures that chapters start at the correct page. You can disable it like this:








enter image description here