
I have a LaTeX text document that compiles fine with the current version of pdflatex on my home computer. I've made minor edits to the body of the document. I'm trying to recompile it, using either http://sciencesoft.at/latex/?lang=en or the first google result for the words "latex to pdf online." (I can't post the hyperlink due to spam prevention.) The former site is running pdfTeXt; the latter, MikTeX. I've pasted my headers below. Does anyone know how I might change them to make either one work?


-- Mark



\pdfpageheight 11in

\pdfpagewidth 8.5in






\fancyhead[R]{My name}



\section*{Finite Simple Groups}



Not programming related.Pindatjuh
No, it is -- the central question is how to change LaTeX source so that pdfTeXt (or MikTex) accepts it.Mark Ch.
i'm not really sure, but pdfTeXt sounds like something conTeXt would use.Mica
you may also want to check out monkeytex.bradcater.webfactional.comMica
@Charles I would assume the above to be a typo of "pdfTeX" then :PMica

1 Answers


Looking at the output, I saw the problem was with the \headheight command. Googling for that suggests you should change it to \setlength\headheight{15pt}. This makes it work with the sciencesoft tool!