library ieee;
use ieee. std_logic_1164.all;
entity JKFF is
PORT( j,k,clock: in std_logic;
q,qbar: out std_logic);
end JKFF;
Architecture behavioral of JKFF is
signal jk : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal temp : std logic;
jk <= j & k;
if(clock= '1' and clock'event) then
case (jk) is
when "00" => temp<= temp;
when "01" => temp <= '0';
when "10" => temp <= '1';
when "11" => not temp;
when others => temp <= 'X'
end case;
end process;
q <= temp;
qbar <= not temp;
end behavioral;
When I compiled this program using ghdl it is showing error 'when' is expected instead of 'not'. Please help me to find the problem with this code.
in the sensitivity list is a semantic error, it's not a declared signal.) – user1155120