
I've become extremely confused I'm trying to run a query through laravels query builder which should work but it's throwing odd errors.

I'm trying to count records from the tips table where the status is 'Won' between a daterange and then join the users table on the user_id to retrieve the users username.

This is my query builder

    $topfiveTipsters = DB::table('tips')
      ->select(DB::raw('count(status) as wincount, users.name'))
      ->join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'tips.user_id')
      ->orderBy('wincount', 'desc')

However it's throwing the error

QLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 'digthetip.users.name' isn't in GROUP BY (SQL: select count(status) as wincount, users.name from tips inner join users on users.id = tips.user_id where tips.created_at between 2016-11-01 00:00:00 and 2016-11-02 10:39:02 and status = Won group by users.id order by wincount desc)

but if I run the exact query the error has outputted into the SQL console within PHPMyAdmin the query runs fine and returns the results I require.

Am I missing something? I'm relatively new to Laravel and I'm massively confused how it's still throwing an error.

Can you post both SQL query's that you are comparing please?Umbert P.
You can use addSelect laravel.com/docs/5.3/queries#selects after joinVahe Galstyan
The query I'm attempting to run is this select count(status) as wincount, users.name from tips inner join users on users.id = tips.user_id where tips.created_at between '2016-11-01 00:00:00' and '2016-11-02 10:39:02' and status = 'Won' group by users.id order by wincount descParadigm
What happens if you add the users.id in the select?Umbert P.

1 Answers


Ok so it turns out you can turn of SQL strict mode in /app/database.php which will prevent the error from happening.

'strict' => false,