I'm using Laravels query builder to retrieve a list of items with some filter options - I need to do a count inside of this query:
$f = DB::table('Likes')
->join('Freestyle', 'Likes.FreestyleID', '=', 'Freestyle.id')
->join('Beat', 'Freestyle.BeatId', '=', 'Beat.id')
->join('Track', 'Beat.TrackId', '=', 'Track.id')
->join('Genre', 'Track.GenreId', '=', 'Genre.id')
->select('Likes.freestyleID as likeFreestyleID', 'Freestyle.*', 'Beat.TrackId as UseMeForTrack',
'Genre.id as GenreID')
->where('Freestyle.Active', '1')
->where('Freestyle.created_at', '>', "$dateScope")
->whereIn('GenreID', $request->genre)
To count the amount of times the 'FreestyleID' appears in the likes table.
is this possible? The data returned is perfect I just need the amount of likes a freestyle has, where the FreestyleID in the likes table is null.