I have a graph in neo4j that looks like this. I want to make it into something like this.
Generalized problem:
How do you traverse children in a certain order (e.g. order by date) and create relationships between the children in that given order?
Specific problem:
Each (:Person) may have multiple (:Diagnosis) nodes, and multiple (:Diagnosis) nodes can share the same (:Concept). The nodes marked as "Condition" are (:Concept) nodes. (:Diagnosis) nodes represent the occurrence of a diagnosis for a person, thus no two people share (:Diagnosis) nodes. However, multiple people can be diagnosed with the same kind of diagnosis, and the type of diagnosis (e.g. Type II Diabetes, aneurysm, etc.) is described by (:Concept) nodes.
I want to create a path of relationships between (:Concept) nodes based on the chronological order of (:Diagnosis) nodes, and I only want to include the first time each (:Concept) is diagnosed.
So far, I've made new relationships between (:Person) and (:Concept) like this:
(:Person {person_id: <some_number>})-[:DIAGNOSED_WITH {start_date: yyyy/mm/dd}]->(:Concept)
I've been testing things out with one (:Person). I did this with the following cypher query:
match (p:Person {person_id: "12345"})--(c:ConditionOccurrence)--(con:Concept) WITH
p.person_id as people, con.concept_id as concepts, min(c.condition_start_date) as
start_date ORDER BY start_date, concepts
MATCH (p1:Person {person_id: people})
MATCH (c2:Concept {concept_id: concepts})
MERGE (p1)-[:DIAGNOSED_WITH {start_date: start_date}]->(c2)
Now I want to create relationships between (:Concept) nodes based on the start date in [:DIAGNOSED_WITH] relationships. It should look something like this:
(concept 1)-[:NEXT {person_id: #}]->(concept 2)-[:NEXT {person_id: #})]->(concept 3)...
I tried using UNWIND
on a collection of all [:DIAGNOSED_WITH] relationships for a given (:Person) but I don't think I quite understand how UNWIND
works with WITH
The following query seems to just draw relationships between all (:Concept) nodes where the diagnosis was made on the same start date:
match (p:Person {person_id: "12345"})-[d:DIAGNOSED_WITH]->(c:Concept) WITH
p.person_id AS person_id, d AS diagnoses ORDER BY d.start_date
WITH collect(diagnoses) as ordered_diagnoses, person_id as person_id
UNWIND ordered_diagnoses as diagnosis
MATCH (:Person {person_id: person_id})-[diagnosis]->(c1:Concept)
MATCH (:Person {person_id: person_id})-[d2:DIAGNOSED_WITH]->(c2:Concept) WHERE
d2.start_date >= diagnosis.start_date AND d2 <> diagnosis
WITH min(d2.start_date) AS min_start_date2, diagnosis, person_id, c1
MATCH (:Person {person_id: person_id})-[:DIAGNOSED_WITH {start_date:
MERGE (c1)-[:NEXT {person_id: person_id, start_date1: diagnosis.start_date,
start_date2: min_start_date2}]->(c2)
I also tried a "touch" approach where I go through the relationships and touch ones that I have already encountered, but that code isn't working the way I want to either due to my lack of understanding of UNWIND
and WITH
match (p:Person {person_id: "2851389"})-[d:DIAGNOSED_WITH]->(c:Concept) WITH
p.person_id AS person_id, d AS diagnoses ORDER BY d.start_date
WITH collect(diagnoses) as ordered_diagnoses, person_id as person_id
UNWIND ordered_diagnoses as diagnosis
MATCH (:Person {person_id: person_id})-[diagnosis]->(c1:Concept)
SET diagnosis.touched = TRUE
WITH person_id, c1, diagnosis
MATCH (:Person {person_id: person_id})-[d2:DIAGNOSED_WITH {touched: FALSE}]->
(c2:Concept) WHERE d2.start_date >= diagnosis.start_date
SET d2.touched = TRUE
WITH min(d2.start_date) as min_start_date2, person_id, c1, diagnosis
MATCH (:Person {person_id: person_id})-[:DIAGNOSED_WITH {start_date:
MERGE (c1)-[:NEXT {person_id: person_id, start_date1: diagnosis.start_date,
start_date2: min_start_date2}]->(c2)
Please help! Thanks!