I'm brand new to Cypher (and Stackoverflow) and am having trouble creating relationships between nodes based on share property keys.
I would like to do something like this:
MATCH (a:Person)-->()<--(b:Country)
WHERE HAS (a.id) AND HAS (b.id) AND a.id=b.id
CREATE (a)-[:LIVES]->(b);
to create a relationship between Country node and Person nodes where they share the same id.
The above creates no errors when run but doesn't create any relationships either and I know that the ids should match.
Many thanks!!
I think I know what is going wrong - I'm asking to match nodes that have a relationship to eachother but no relationships are set up yet hence 0 results. I have now tried:
MATCH (a:Person),
WHERE HAS (a.id) AND HAS (b.id) AND a.id=b.id
CREATE (a)-[:LIVES]->(b);
and the query is running. It's a big data set so might take a while......