I imported a large set of nodes (>16 000) where each node contains the information about a location (longitudinal/lateral geo-data). All nodes have the same label. There are no relationships in this scenario. Now I want to identify for each node the next neighbour by distance and create a relationship between these nodes.
This (brute force) way worked well for sets containing about 1000 nodes: (1) I first defined relationships between all nodes containing the distance information. (2) Then I defined for all relationships the property "mindist=false".(3) After that I identified the next neighbour looking at the the distance information for each relationship and set "mindist" property "true" where the relationship represents the shortest distance. (4) Finally I deleted all relationships with "mindist=false".
match (n1:XXX),(n2:XXX)
where id(n1) <> id(n2)
with n1,n2,distance(n1.location,n2.location) as dist
Return R
match (n1:XXX)-[R:DISTANCE]->(n2:XXX)
set R.mindist=false return R.mindist
match (n1:XXX)-[R:DISTANCE]->(n2:XXX)
with n1, min(R.dist) as mindist
match (o1:XXX)-[r:DISTANCE]->(o2:XXX)
where o1.name=n1.name and r.dist=mindist
Set r.mindist=TRUE
return r
match (n)-[R:DISTANCE]->()
where R.mindist=false
delete R return n
With sets containing about 16000 nodes this solution didn't work (memory problems ...). I am sure there is a smarter way to solve this problem (but at this point of time I am still short on experience working with neo4j/cypher). ;-)