By the time the optional match happens, the only n
nodes that are around to make the optional match from are the ones that already match the first criteria. You can do
WHERE = 'George' OR n-[{ status:"good" }]->()
but for larger graphs remember that this will not make efficient use of indices.
Another way would be
MATCH (n {name:"George"})
UNION MATCH (n)-[{status:"good"})->()
This should do better with indices for the first match, assuming you use a label and have the relevant index set up (but the second part would still potentially be very inefficient).
Re comment, relationship indexing would make that part faster, correct, but to my mind it would be better to say it is slow because the pattern is underdetermined. The second match pattern does something like
- bind every node in the graph to
- get all outgoing relationships (regardless of type) from
- check relationship for
You could improve performance with relationship indexing, but since a relationship exists only between the two nodes it relates, you can think of it instead as indexed by those nodes. That is, fix the first bullet point by excluding nodes whose relationships are not relevant. The two match clauses could look like
MATCH (n:Person {name:"George"})
MATCH (n:Person)-[{status:"good"}]->()
MATCH (n:Person {name:"Curious"})-[{status:"good"}]->()
and/or type the relationship
MATCH (n)-[:REL {status:"good"}]->()
in fact, with anonymous relationships and rel property, it would probably make sense (bullet point three) to make the property the type, so
MATCH (n)-[:GOOD]->()
Your actual queries may look very different, and your question wasn't really about query performance at all :) oh well.