I have Cinema
s, Film
s and Users and I want to model View
relationships as first class citizens of the graph, for example: "Me went to cinema #58 to see film #43483", in the future I may want add "on 24th May 2013" or "with friend1 and friend2" to the View
"relationship", example:
(u1:User {id:1}),
(u2:User {id:2}),
(f1:Film {id:1}),
(f2:Film {id:2}),
(c1:Cinema {id:1}),
(c2:Cinema {id:2}),
// (v:View), (u1)-[:ATTENDED]->(v),(c1)<-[:AT]-(v),(v)-[:WATCHED]->(f1)
I've been trying to figure out how to create a unique View
(i.e. a person cannot see the same film in the same cinema twice [here's where the extra date relationship will come in]) with a query that if run twice no duplicate View
node is created.
Using CREATE UNIQUE take 1
MATCH (c:Cinema {id:1}), (f:Film {id:1}), (u:User {id:1})
return v, u, c, f Creating unique nodes AND relationships seems unsupported.
Using CREATE UNIQUE take 2
If I remove the separate node creation, it kind of works, until I don't create a second View:
MATCH (c:Cinema {id:1}), (f:Film {id:1}), (u:User {id:1})
MERGE (u)-[:ATTENDED]->(v:View), (c)<-[:AT]-(v), (v)-[:WATCHED]->(f)
return v, u, c, f
Documentation says you can create a path with MERGE
, but seemingly only straight paths... the above gives a syntax error on comma.
So essentially I don't want a node to be unique (View doesn't have any properties), I want to make the relationships of the node unique. Please suggest a solution.
Losing hope
My ideas of possible workarounds are (if all else fails):
- duplicate the cinemaID, filmID and userID on the View node and put a unique constraint on that
- Ignore atomicity and just query, check and create the nodes/relationships in separate queries
So far I'm not impressed with neo4j, so many things don't work which should.