
I have seen some questions about MDX escape character, but they focus on a query that has a value specified. I have a dynamic mdx, with values that will be specified by the user. This is the MDX:

    NON EMPTY {Hierarchize({[Measures].[INDICADOR]})} ON COLUMNS,
    NON EMPTY {Hierarchize({[NOW].[NOW].Members})} ON ROWS
    WHERE CrossJoin({[PARENT].[${parentParameter}]}

the wild card is based on my selector:

    NON EMPTY {Hierarchize({[NOW].[NOW].Members})} ON COLUMNS,
    NON EMPTY {Hierarchize({[PARENT].[PARENT].Members})} ON ROWS

How do I apply the "escape value" in this case?

why is there a crossjoin in the WHERE clause of the first script? WHERE CrossJoin({[PARENT].[${parentParameter}]}whytheq
that MDX was created by the SAIKU Wizard, I'm not sure why there is a crossjoin, I'm still trying to understand the tool.Bea.C

1 Answers


The best way to solve will be to use the PRE/POST execution events of selection component depending upon which CDE components are you using.

For similar situation

  • I used a select component which was bringing data from a SQL query
  • Based on user selection, I used the pre execution event of Query Component to generate a where clause and set that where clause in a "simple parameter" component
  • and finally in the MDX Query used that simple parameter to join the dynamic where clause.

You can also use the post execution of select component to generate a dynamic where clause and set it in a parameter, and then use the parameter in your MDX/SQL query

Hope it helps.