In the syntax s/foo/bar
, \r
and \n
have different meanings, depending on context.
For foo
== "carriage return" (CR
/ ^M
== matches "line feed" (LF
) on Linux/Mac, and CRLF
on Windows
For bar
== produces LF
on Linux/Mac, CRLF
on Windows
== "null byte" (NUL
/ ^@
When editing files in linux (i.e. on a webserver) that were initially created in a windows environment and uploaded (i.e. FTP/SFTP) - all the ^M
's you see in vim, are the CR
's which linux does not translate as it uses only LF
's to depict a line break.
Longer (with ASCII numbers):
== 0x00 == 0 == Ctrl + @ == ^@
shown in vim
== 0x0A == 10 == Ctrl + J
== 0x0D == 13 == Ctrl + M == ^M
shown in vim
Here is a list of the ASCII control characters. Insert them in Vim via Ctrl + V,Ctrl + ---key---.
In Bash or the other Unix/Linux shells, just type Ctrl + ---key---.
Try Ctrl + M in Bash. It's the same as hitting Enter, as the shell realizes what is meant, even though Linux systems use line feeds for line delimiting.
To insert literal's in bash, prepending them with Ctrl + V will also work.
Try in Bash:
echo ^[[33;1mcolored.^[[0mnot colored.
This uses ANSI escape sequences. Insert the two ^[
's via Ctrl + V, Esc.
You might also try Ctrl + V,Ctrl + M, Enter, which will give you this:
bash: $'\r': command not found
Remember the \r
from above? :>
This ASCII control characters list is different from a complete ASCII symbol table, in that the control characters, which are inserted into a console/pseudoterminal/Vim via the Ctrl key (haha), can be found there.
Whereas in C and most other languages, you usually use the octal codes to represent these 'characters'.
If you really want to know where all this comes from: The TTY demystified. This is the best link you will come across about this topic, but beware: There be dragons.
Usually foo
= \n
, and bar
= \r