
How do i escape "%" character in a dynamic MDX. I want "%" to be treated as a literal and not a wild card in MDX. Here is a basic idea of what is happening : I have a windows form (using c#) where user can create a dynamic search expression for MDX query. E.g. Currency Contains US

where "Currency" is static, condition "Contains" is a dropdown selectable value and then a textbox for "US".

So user clicks "Search" and a dynamic MDX is formed with above condition and a cube hit occurs.

Now, i dont get correct result when query is like :

Calculation Contains 50%

Here, % is treated as wild card and anything containing "50" is shown. Please Help. I have tried quotes "", square brackets [], back slash \, double characters %%. but no luck.

UPDATE : Its actually the front end meaning for the user, at the back end i use Analysis Stored Procedures, "IsLike" for this. Query is something like this : { WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Search] AS IIF( [ASSP].[IsLike] ([Calculation].[Calculation].CurrentMember.Properties('MEMBER_CAP‌​‌​TION'),'%50%%')}


Maybe this can help you?EarlGrey
Contains is not an Analysis Services MDX function. Is this implemented as a stored procedure? Then you would have to ask the developer of that procedure how he wants the text to be escaped.FrankPl
Its actually the front end meaning for the user, at the back end, "IsLike" is used for this. Query is something like this : { WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Search] AS IIF( [ASSP].[IsLike]([Calculation].[Calculation].CurrentMember.Properties('MEMBER_CAP‌​TION'),'%50%%')}Saurabh Arora
Earl, i went through this, not much helpful.Thanks anyways :)Saurabh Arora

1 Answers


If I understand your question correctly, then you are using the ASSP (Analysis Stored Procedures) IsLike method, and want to know how you can escape a % in the like template so that it is searched for literally. Looking at the source code (http://asstoredprocedures.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#ASSP/StringFilters.cs, method LikeToRegEx), I do not see an easy way to achieve this. In this method, a percent is replaced unconditionally by ".*". What you could do is download the ASSP source code and change this method to allow escaping the percent e. g. with "[%]" which would work in the SQL Server relational engine like. E. g. you could add after the

sb.Replace("[.]", @"_");

another line

sb.Replace("[\.]", @"%");

which would revert the overly aggressive replace of [%] with [.*]. Then you would compile this and re-deploy.