I created a new mobile app to get consumed in my Xamarin.iOS app. My app doesnt have any registered user, all I need is to securely access the mobile app service api in my ios app.
After 10 hours of trying, I still couldn't figure a way to get his to work.
I've created a new mobile app, turned on Authentication / Authorization in setting(Azure Portal) and created a new Azure Active directory app.
I've secured my [MobileAppController] with [Authorize] tag.
To test I've requested a token
Method: POST
URL : https://login.microsoftonline.com/mytenant.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/token
grant_type : client_credentials
client_id : {one from AD section for the app}
client_secret : {one from AD section for the app}
I've received a token but using it to access(POSTMAN app)
with headers
Authorization : Bearer {token}
is giving me a
"message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you ...