I am using Azure AD and have to call an API to get access token to start a pipeline.
I am using OAuth2 for authorization but don't know the right way to do that.
I tried it using Postman and was able to get reponse successfully.
but when I tried the same using Angular n Node.
In Angular I got CORS error and In Node I got a status code of 401 in message
I have endpoint URL which i'm using to get token from Azure AD which i have test on Postman something like this.
request headers:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
request body:
grant_type: client_credentials
client_id: {Client_ID}
client_secret: {Secret}
resource: https://management.azure.com
For node i used third-party package name AXIOS
I feel it is not right to pass the request from Angular itself so send the request from backend only make sense.
Please Help me I am stuck from 2 weeks reading documentation but not getting anywhere.
A code would be of great help.
to implement Azure AD auth. After doing that, you can avoid the CORS issue. For more details about how to implement, please refer to the sample : docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/azure-samples/… – Jim Xu