I've got a bar chart with three months worth of data. Each column in the chart is one month's data showing the percentage of Rows that met a certain criterion for that month. In the first month, 100% of 2 rows meet the measure. In the second month, 24.2% of 641 rows meet the measure. In the 3rd month, 28.3% of 1004 rows meet the measure. My reference line which is supposed to show the average across the entire time-frame is showing 50.8%, the simple average (i.e. [100+24.2+28.3]/3) instead of the weighted average (i.e. [100*2+641*24.2+1004*28.3]/[2+641+1004]).
In the rows shelf, I have a measure called "% that meet the criterion", this is defined as SUM([Criterion])/SUM([NUMBER OF RECORDS])
The criterion measure is 1 for any record that qualifies and null for any that do not qualify.
If I go to Analysis >> Totals >> Show Row Grand Totals, a 4th bar is added, and that bar shows the correct weighted average of the other three bars (26.8%), but I really want this to be shown as a reference line instead of having an extra bar on the chart. (Adding the Grand Total bar also drops the reference line down to 44.8%, which is the simple average of the 4 bars now shown on the chart--I can't think of a less useful piece of information than that).
How can I add the weighted average as a reference line?