
I am trying to make a graph/chart of showing a measure category-wise. The categories are further subdivided into sub-categories and these sub-category has also been added in the view.

What I am trying to achieve is to include category wise measure sub-total in the view but as a label only. If I am adding sub-totals from analysis pane, another bar is added which I do not want. I only want that these sub-total values be displayed as a label under each category.

How should I proceed? For this purpose sample superstore data on tableau may be considered.

Please add a screenshot, so that it could be understood.AnilGoyal

1 Answers


I have done some workaround to show it like this.

step-1 added a desired 'sub-total' field like this (Sample -superstore data in tableau)

{Fixed [Category]: SUM([Sales])}

Created a view thereafter like this, which in my opinion should serve your purpose

enter image description here