
I'm trying to synthetize any simple project in ISE for Spartan 6. When I use Clocking Wizard for clk generator with f = 40 MHz (100Mhz external oscillator), XST says:

Timing Summary:

Speed Grade: -3

Minimum period: 9.482ns (Maximum Frequency: 105.458MHz) Minimum input arrival time before clock: 2.623ns Maximum output required time after clock: 3.597ns Maximum combinational path delay: 5.194ns

OK, but when I change clk frequency in core generator to 100MHz, the response is Maximum Frequency is about 47MHz ...

What is wrong? What is the right way to determine max frequency?

Some questions: Have you applied timing constraints in synthesis? Have you checked if CoreGen changes the period generics of the mmcm accordingly?Paebbels

1 Answers


The reported maximum frequency in synthesis is only a rough estimation based on fanout, LUT levels, i/o-buffers, ...

The real timing analysis is done after Place & Route.

I have a project which already utilizes synthesis timing constraints (additional xcf-file), were XST reports f_max = 82 MHz. After P&R the design achieves 152 MHz :)