I'm looking for a documentation on Xilinx ISE *.filter files.
Here is a short example of a Message/Warning/Error filter entry:
<filter task="xst" file="HDLCompiler" num="1127" type="warning">
<arg index="1">button_center</arg>
In this case the interpretation is easy: Filter a XST message with WarningID 1127 and severity Warning which is cause by design entity "button_center".
This can be extended by filtering with wildcards:
<arg index="1" match_type="wildcard">ATACapability_*</arg>
So the arg-Tag is extended with a match_type and the tag value has some wildcards. This is also understandable.
But in some cases there are several arg-tags in one filter-tag:
<filter task="xst" file="Xst" num="1896" type="warning">
<arg index="1" match_type="wildcard">LCDBuffer_d*</arg>
<arg index="2">0</arg>
<arg index="3" match_type="wildcard">*</arg>