I have masses of entity instances like that:
GPIO : entity L_PicoBlaze.pb_GPIO_Adapter
generic map (
port map (
Clock => CPU_Clock, -- Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset => '0', -- Reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- line 645
The code from above is working with:
- ISE XST 14.7
- Quartus II 13.x
- ISE iSim 14.7
I'm also sure, I successfully compiled my design with Vivado 2013.x !!!
Vivado (2014.4) Synth complains, that there are 3 possible type resolutions for '0'
[Synth 8-2396] near character '0' ; 3 visible types match here ["D:/git/.../PicoBlaze/System.vhdl":645]
Reset is declared as following:Reset : in STD_LOGIC
I can solve this problem by using a qualified expression:
GPIO : entity L_PicoBlaze.pb_GPIO_Adapter
generic map (
port map (
Clock => CPU_Clock,
Reset => STD_LOGIC'('0'), -- line 645
I think this (a) looks bad and (b) is a bug in Synth.
I think ISE XST and other tools are doing reverse/backward type inference to determine the correct literal type.
Has anyone encountered this problem, too?
Is my coding style so bad, if I write '0', x"00..00" or "00..00" in port maps?
Edit 1 - Minimal and Complete Example:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity top is
port (
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
end entity;
architecture rtl of top is
toggle : entity work.TFF
port map (
Clock => Clock,
Reset => '0', -- line 17
Q => Output
-- a simple toggle flip flop
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity TFF is
port (
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
end entity;
architecture rtl of TFF is
signal Q_r : STD_LOGIC := '0';
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if (Reset = '1') then
Q_r <= '0';
Q_r <= not Q_r;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Q <= Q_r;
Vivado 2014.4 Error message:
[Synth 8-2396] near character '0' ; 3 visible types match here ["D:/Temp/OverloadTest/overload.vhdl":17]
Edit 2:
I found a working example: I just put the declaration of entity tff in front the top-level declaration. It seams that a [Synth 8-2396] near ..... visible types match here error message from Vivado just a clumsy way to tell us, it can't find a reference to an entire component / file?
I'll need some time to recheck my file list (>300) for missing files/components.
(or theGPIO
label) on line 645? It isn't a type constructor, it's a qualified expression, intended "to explicitly state the type, and possibly the subtype, of an operand that is an expression or an aggregate", and an enumeration literal can be a primary. It's not type inference it's overload resolution. It's also disappointing Stackoverflow's VHDL highlighter doesn't know a character literal can't immediately follows an identifier, a right paren, a right bracket, the reserved wordall
, a character literal, or a string literal, (IR1045 -1993). Show the context clauses. – user1155120(..)
as a constructor with optional type parameter as prefix ... qualified expression sounds better :) -- As far as I know, overload resolution can not solve the problem of different return values, this is solvable by reverse type inference. – Paebbels