
How do you zero-extend a fixed signal value?

I have the following signal:

signal shamt: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);

Before I assign it to another variable that is of size 31 downto 0 I have to zero extend shamt. I have the following code but I am unsure if it is correct.

muxSOut <= conv_std_logic_vector(unsigned(shamt),32) when (muxSSel = '0') else A;

I'm skeptical about the part conv_std_logic_vector(unsigned(shamt), 32).

Will this extend shamt, which is of 5 bit size to 32 bit? So if shamt was 11011 it would just be 27 0s and then 11011? If not, what is the correct way to zero extend shamt?


2 Answers


One (standard) method is to use ieee.numeric_std and resize(). e.g.:

muxSOut <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(shamt), 32)) ...

One advantage of this is that you can replace 32 with muxSOut'length, and then your code becomes a bit more flexible.


I would probably just expect:

muxSOut <= x"000000" & "000" & shamt when muxSSel = '0' else A;