I'm trying to paginate a page in my view like this:
@foreach($tasks as $task)
{{ $task->user_id }}
{{ $task->client_id }}
{{ $task->description }}
{{ $task->duration }}
{{ link_to_route('clients.show', 'View client', array($task->client_id), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')) }}
{{ $tasks->links() }}
Using the following query in my controller:
$tasks = DB::table('tasks')
->join('users', 'tasks.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->join('clients', 'tasks.client_id', '=', 'clients.id')
->select(array('tasks.description', 'tasks.duration', 'tasks.client_id', 'tasks.user_id', 'users.email', 'clients.name'))
->where('tasks.group_id', '=', $usergroup)
->orderBy('tasks.created_at', 'DESC')
return View::make('tasks.index', compact('tasks'));
It shows the tasks fine but there's no pagination link showing up so I can't head over to the next batch of 20 results.
Any ideas on how I can make this work?
I've tried @foreach($tasks->result as $task) in my view as suggested in http://forums.laravel.io/viewtopic.php?id=4092 but it gives me an error "Undefined property: Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator::$result"
app/config/view.php -> pagination
- or maybe deleted the default view? – naththedeveloper